01 833 4444 24 Hour Service

Burial Funeral

A significant decision you need to make is whether your loved one is to be buried or cremated.



If you choose a burial, you may need to purchase a new grave or re-open an existing one. An existing family grave normally accommodates 3-4 adult burials, depending on the cemetery.

Where a new grave is required we will, for those cemeteries that offer a choice of location, arrange for the family to meet the cemetery's representatives to select a new grave.

New graves are available in most Dublin City and County cemeteries, details of which are available in our Information section.

Cremation Funeral



There are four Crematoriums in Dublin:

On your behalf, we will arrange for all the documentation to be completed, signed, and approved before the cremation process takes place.

Each location has chapels to hold the cremation service. There are three service types available at a crematorium, the choice of which depends on a family's wishes.

Committal Service

These funerals have a prior church service / Mass before arriving at the crematorium. The committal service usually lasts for about 10 – 15 minutes and is normally conducted by a member of the clergy and follow a standard religious format, not dis-similar to what normally takes place at a cemetery burial. The option to play non-religious music is normally available at this type of service.

Full Service Funerals
These funerals do not have a prior Service/Mass at a church before they arrive at the crematorium. The main service takes place at the crematorium and may last a full hour and as a result normally can only take place in the afternoon. These can be further divided into three different sub- categories-:

* Full Religious Service: Families choose to bypass using a church and have a full-length religious service according to their denomination.

* Non-Religious Service:  this a service designed by the family of the deceased and can be conducted by a Civil celebrant or a Humanist celebrant, or by a family representative. Strictly speaking, a Humanist Funeral does not have any religious element within the ceremony.

* Hybrid Service This is a combination of the above where the family may wish a short religious content coupled with their own designs of music, speeches, poems or words of remembrance. This can be defined as a Civil Funeral.

Non Service Funerals

These are funerals that have no service at the crematorium. They in effect by-pass all chapels and are brought straight to the cremator building for cremation.

We have an extensive list of humanist and civil celebrants that can facilitate, guide, and assist with the ceremony, as required.   

Assistance in the selection of a final resting place for the ashes is outlined in our post funeral section.

CoffinsFlowersFuneral ArrangementsBurial and CremationReligious and Non-Religious ServicesCare of the DeceasedMedical LiasonDeath NoticesFuneral VehiclesMusicConfirmation of Instructions and Funeral CostsRepatriationService SheetsVenues and CateringThe Funeral of a Child