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Fanagans Funeral Directors welcome Seamas Griffin to their Board

We are delighted to announce that Seamas Griffin is set to join the Board of Directors at the Fanagan Group, commencing January 1st, 2024.

Seamas has been working in the funeral industry for 32 years and has been with the Fanagan Group since 1996. His passion, enthusiasm, professionalism and dedication to our client families has been exemplary in that time and we look forward to Seamas now stepping into a more strategic role within the Group.

A bilingual speaker with a passion for Irish language and culture, music and the theatre, Seamas has been the managing director of Kirwans since 2012 and also served as President of the Irish Association of Funeral Directors in 2012/2013.

We wish Seamas every success in his new role, and we look forward to his continued contributions to the success and growth of the Fanagan Group.

Fanagans Board of Directors, pictured l to r: Gus Nichols, Jody Fanagan, Karen Morton, David A. Fanagan, Seamas Griffin, Robert Fanagan, Bryan Murphy, David Simpson.
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