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Lunch & Learn: Grief in the Workplace and Living with Loss

Fanagans Funeral Directors are proudly sponsoring two online events hosted by the Irish Hospice Foundation supporting National Grief Awareness Week 2024

Anyone who is bereaved or supporting someone who is grieving is invited to attend these two free online events.

How to register

“Lunch & Learn: Grief in the Workplace”, Thursday 1st February 2024 from 12.30pm to 1.30pm

Many people will be working at the time they experience a bereavement or a significant life loss and require a compassionate and caring response. Having an understanding of grief will help employees understand their own grieving experience but also be more aware of how to support others when grieving.

Register through Eventbrite Click Here

“Living with Loss” Thursday 25th January 2024 from 7pm to 8.30pm

This online bereavement information evening for the public will provide connection and solace for those who are grieving. Professionals working in bereavement will give an informational talk and share supports available. Participants’ questions will be answered by the panel.

Register through Eventbrite Click Here

When you register, you'll receive an email with the zoom link. If you have difficulty using technology, don’t be shy to ask family or friends to help you register and access these events.

If you require further information, please contact Irish Hospice Foundation by emailing bereavementdevelopment@hospicefoundation.ie or calling (01) 679 3188.

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