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New Cemetery opens

Kilternan Cemetery Park, located in South County Dublin, has opened both for burials and grave purchase in Advance.

In the press release they advise: 

"Kilternan Cemetery Park is a multi-denominational Cemetery that has been designed to provide a natural environment within a scenic parkland setting offering peace and tranquillity for all our visitors. On arrival you will note the attention to detail from choice of  planting to the various styles of stone work used throughout the park.

The Cemetery is complemented by the natural surroundings of the Loughlinstown River which runs gently along the perimeter and mature trees which provide natural habitat for an abundance of birds and wildlife. We have a fine selection of native Irish trees including Ash, Oak and Beech as well as our signature Portuguese olive trees which truly enhance the Cemetery.

At Kilternan Cemetery Park we are committed to maintaining the highest of standards throughout the Cemetery and to provide the highest level of professionalism in all aspects of interment requirements.Our experienced staff are on hand to assist with all aspects of pre-planning interment requirements, including choice of headstone, ensuring peace of mind for those left behind."

Contact details:

Kilternan Cemetery Park
Ballycorus Road
Kilternan, Dublin 18

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